Saturday 5 October 2013

Confirmed: Marussia retains Jules Bianchi for 2014

Early in the week (3/10/13), Marussia confirmed they will retain Jules Bianchi for the 2014 Formula 1 season.

This is a very good decision from Marussia to keep Jules Bianchi for another season at least in my opinion as he's a talent driver. Also, the deal from early in the season that Marussia will be powered by Ferrari turbo engines from the 2014 Formula 1 season onwards. So, keeping a talented Ferrari development driver was an easy choice for the Marussia team.

As his team-mate for next season, it would be more than likely be his current team-mate this season Max Chilton, unless something changes.

End of post for now, new post soon, bye.

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